The first hard frost of 2020 covering the Droxford area in the Meon Valley
Saint Mary and All Saints Church at Droxford has recently opened a cultural centre and café. The Meon Valley Trail, a walking, cycling and horse riding trail along a disused railway passes to the east of Droxford .
Please click on the thumbnails below to view the images in a carousel.
Cycle Gosport Cycle Gosport is a brand new local community group which aims to promote and protect the amazing cycle routes we already have and work to improve the network to make it easier for everyone to get about by bike.
Enjoy the beach
I Ride in Gosport A new Facebook page for those that want to improve the cycling infrastructure and facilities in Gosport (and the surrounding area)
Visit and like the I Ride in Gosport Facebook page, share your experiences of cycling in the Gosport area – the good, the bad and the could be better!
Free parking!
Tell us about the kind of cycle facilities you’d like to see and highlight places and people we could learn from.
Bike v Car Gosport ferry to Fareham railway station
Fed up with the daily slog along the A32? Its quicker to cycle from Gosport Ferry to Fareham railway station by bike, costs less and will help improve your fitness. Here is a screen shot of the journey by car and bike
Explore Gosport and the attractions on your doorstep without having to find or pay for a parking space!
Visit Lee on the Solent and watch the planes including the iconic Spitfire
The Meon Valley Trail
The Meon Valley Trail. Within 40 minutes of cycling from Gosport is the start of an off road trail from Wickham to West Meon. Just imagine exploring the Meon Valley in a traffic free enviroment, stopping when and where you like and enjoying the countryside!